
There is nothing more relaxing than a cat. After a chaotic few months with extra kids in the house, having an oversized kitty sitting on your chest massaging your belly and purring in your ear is a bit like heaven. It doesn’t hurt when you’re out in the country and the only other sound besides the bray of nearby horses is the occasional rumble of a passing truck.

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travel to new places

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I’ve seen the game-boy, the pac-man, the e-children.  I’ve watched their zombie eyes and the dull sullen responses when engaged.  I’ve witnessed the drama of the ensuing parental attempts to detach them from their apparatus: iPods, PSPs, Gameboy DSs, and iPhones.  Even Leapfrog has one now for the toddler crowd.  I dread that one day there will be one of them in my house. Read the rest of this entry »


Blue room

Make me laugh, blue room

Read me good books about firefighters, talking trucks and a silly alligator named Doodle

Play finger puppets with me again

Put on shows for me with funny character voices

Blue room, make me laugh again

Spin me around until I can’t stand on my feet

Hold my car, blue room and I’ll hold the other while we play smash ‘em and crash ‘em

Look down on me every night while I sleep to make certain that nothing bad will come to me

Never be dusty, never be silent or sad—never be blue Read the rest of this entry »

Alright.  I’m back on track.  I think.

I saw my doctor this week for my annual checkup and she endorsed my be healthy/get fit/lose weight plan.  She was somewhat unenthusiastic about my goal to get down to 185, wanting me to focus more on the being healthy part and less so on the losing weight part.  Maybe she doesn’t want me to set my expectations too high.  After all, it has been QUITE a while since I was 185.

But that’s my goal and I’m stickin’ with it!

Onward and downward!

Two nights ago, they were almost $3000 from their goal.  Tonight, just a little over $700.  I hope my post from a couple of nights ago was worth a buck or two.

I’ve become an instant fan of producer Andrea James along with Jamie Hebert, his husband Alec Mapa, their son Zion (crazy cute) and the project/film Family Restaurant.  Check out the video and consider donating to the effort to make this film happen.

Long story (words by Jamie Hebert) follows: Read the rest of this entry »

Well,  as you can see from the above weigh-in, I’ve hit a roadblock of sorts.  A month ago, I was 3.8 pounds and 2 weeks away from my end-of-month goal of 200.  A month later, I have almost twice that to go.  Hell, a couple of weeks ago, I had made it up to 210.  Yikes!  Read the rest of this entry »

The gym and I still have a long distance relationship, but I did manage to run outside once in the past two weeks.  Two more weeks to 200!

And since I have nothing interesting to say, I’ll just post some pics…


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It’s 6:33 on a Sunday morning and I’ve been up for a little over an hour, after shaking myself awake from a dream of T.

My memory of the dream starts with T being in our house for a weekend visit. For some reason, “our house” was a mishmash of where we live now, my childhood home and a house for-sale down the street and around the corner.  There were toys every where.  My Mom and my nieces and nephews were also there – in the house but in other rooms that I couldn’t see and didn’t attempt to enter.  Lucas was more baby than boy, but he moved freely about the house. Read the rest of this entry »

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