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There is nothing more relaxing than a cat. After a chaotic few months with extra kids in the house, having an oversized kitty sitting on your chest massaging your belly and purring in your ear is a bit like heaven. It doesn’t hurt when you’re out in the country and the only other sound besides the bray of nearby horses is the occasional rumble of a passing truck.

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travel to new places

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One:  Holidays Are Not Scary

I dreaded spending the coming holidays at home.  I thought being around friends here, in all the familiar places, would too easily remind me that we were one less.   I think Juan and I were on the same page, which made it easy to plan our escape.  This past Summer was our most traveled probably since we’ve been together.

We hit the road Memorial Day weekend, Read the rest of this entry »

Big purchase

My wise mother told me that at this time we shouldn’t go out and make any big decisions.  And when did I ever listen to my mother, so we went out and bought a car!  Long had I been scheming to make this purchase.  When a mechanic confirmed that our trusty VW was on its last legs, a certain reluctant person in the house, caved.  Isn’t she pretty? Read the rest of this entry »

My life is full of good.  At times I forget how ridiculously blessed I am. But then I see them playing, laughing and loving together and I’m reminded.

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It is hot here.  Hotter than usual and the heat has come to visit much earlier.  We sweat in the 90-105 degrees, and try to stay indoors as much as possible.  That’s hard with a three-year old.  They still have energy and still get bored even when it’s too hot to go out.  There are others in this family that relish the heat and prefer a good nap on the deck to the air-conditioned comfort of the house. Read the rest of this entry »

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